
Solutions that
drive your business

Increase your sales, improve your service, and access innovative payment technologies.

We provide payment solutions that drive your company´s growth opening new business opportunities.

Our technology and payment solutions are designed to enhance your business, allowing you to increase sales and generate new customers.

Contact us
Merchant Portal


Rewiew your sales and transaction details 

Merchant Portal

sistemas de pago

Integrate new payment solutions in your counter.

experiencia de compra

Improve your clients' shopping experience.


Provide security and protection in all your transactions.

We have technology for every kind of business... and customer!

We know that there are different types of consumers, thus we offer several payment methods to shop the way you want, from any device or place in the world.

  • Card Payment Solutions
  • ViComm | Digital Payment Solutions

Card Payments

Cobros con tarjeta

Pago Movil HGPay / Mobile Card Reader 

  • Receive credit or debit card payments from your mobile phone
  • Receive payments inside and outside your business, even on home deliveries!
  • Accept contactless, PIN or magnetic stripe payments.
  • Keep track of your sales (in cash and cards) and create a catalog in our mobile POS app.
See solution See solution-1
Punto de venta

Point-of-Sale Terminals

  • Receive credit or debit card payments.
  • Obtain the traditional electronic terminal or the most sophisticated one that integrates with your company's payment system (ERP).
  • Powerful and compact devices that support all cards.
  • Works with GPRS, Ethernet or Wi-Fi and transactions are easily made.
See solution See solution-2

Remote Card Payments


E-commerce | Payment Gateway

  • Give your website a sophisticated online payment platform.
  • Incorporate several payment methods for your clients´ convenience.
  • Receive payments in local and foreign currency.
  • Connect to the main shopping carts.
See solution See solution-1
Contáctanos ahora

Link to Pay

  • Be able to receive payments remotely quickly and securely with a simple Link to Pay.
  • Receive payments through Link to Pay if you don't have any e-commerce platform.
  • Receive payments through social media, email or SMS from your mobile phone or computer.
  • Create links individually or in volume.
See solution See solution-2
Cargos recurrentes

Recurring Charges

  • Implement subscriptions and memberships.
  • Receive automatic payments without your clients having to visit any point of sale.
  • Ensure timely payment of charges.
  • Receive a high volume of payments at the same time.
See solution See solution-3

¿Quieres saber 
cómo vender más?

Aquí encontrarás información relevante que te ayudará a impulsar y cumplir con las metas de tu negocio.

Servicios de pago

Guía completa de las TPV: Uso, ventajas y opciones

Conoce cómo las TPV pueden transformar tu negocio, facilitando pagos, mejorando la experiencia del ...

Continuar leyendo
Guía completa de las TPV: Uso, ventajas y opciones

Experiencia del cliente

¿Cómo realizar la inscripción a El Buen Fin y qué obtienes con ello?

Aprende cómo inscribirte en El Buen Fin y aprovecha todas las ventajas que ofrece, como aumentar ...

Continuar leyendo
¿Cómo realizar la inscripción a El Buen Fin y qué obtienes con ello?

Experiencia del cliente

¿Cuáles son las ofertas que más atraen en El Buen Fin?

Conoce los productos más solicitados y las mejores estrategias de promoción para el Buen Fin y cómo ...

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¿Cuáles son las ofertas que más atraen en El Buen Fin?

Servicios de pago

Este es el método de pago más usado en El Buen Fin

Descubre el método de pago más utilizado durante El Buen Fin y cómo puedes aprovechar esta ...

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Este es el método de pago más usado en El Buen Fin

Servicios de pago

¿Qué es un link de pago y cómo funciona?

Los links de pago facilitan las transacciones en línea y permiten a los negocios cobrar sin ...

Continuar leyendo
¿Qué es un link de pago y cómo funciona?

Servicios de pago

Link de pago: Tips para su uso en tu estrategia de ventas

Conoce cómo los links de pago pueden impulsar tus ventas en línea y ofrecer a tus clientes ...

Continuar leyendo
Link de pago: Tips para su uso en tu estrategia de ventas

Join the more than 5 million
businesses around the world that already trust Global Payments Technology Mexico

Leave us your contact information to talk in detail about the solution to improve your clients´payment experience.

The published figures, related to the number of merchants served, acquirer presence in the

world and transactions processed are published by Global Payments Inc. in its 2024 global report.

The acquiring service is exclusively provided by Global Payments Technology Mexico, S.A. de C.V. (GPTM). GPTM is not part of Grupo Financiero HSBC.
